When we continue to share the information we receive through our Universal Heart and Higher Mind Consciousness, an Infinite Well (Wealth) of Consciousness, Information and Divine Wisdom unlocks from deep inside our DNA… Where we each hold Light Codes that assist us with expanding our own Consciousness as well as activating the Consciousness in others when held fully, transmitted and shared too… So it is our responsibility to go inside our DNA to unlock these Light Codes (in-coded seeds of information) so we can see, hear, feel, de-code and interpret the wealth of information available… It’s a bit like a treasure hunt… Where we don’t know what we’re going to discover, yet we get clues and breadcrumbs to follow that lead us on a journey to unlocking the next Light Code so even more new realizations, awarenesses and expanded states of Consciousness can come forth… Now imagine there’s an Infinite Well (Wealth) of Consciousness, Information and Divine Wisdom inside your body’s DNA… And in this Well are Infinite Light Codes floating around… That unlock when your body’s Consciousness reaches that vibrational frequency held inside… The more you unlock, the deeper you go inside and the more information you have access to for sharing, supporting, uplifting, inspiring and empowering others… Light Codes (at least for me) look like neon glowing star orbs floating around inside of each one of us, kind of what outer space looks like with the stars and galaxies, yet inside our body…. We use our Consciousness to unlock them, yet it’s not by force or trying… Rather our body’s Consciousness must reach and hold that vibrational frequency inside and our Universal Heart and Higher Mind Consciousness must be wide open too… The old adage “all the answers lie within us” rings true here, yet this realization and understanding gives it a whole new meaning and context… As our body’s Consciousness and Vibrational Frequency we hold inside determines all… All the information is here… swirling around inside our bodies… and it’s up to each one of us to unlock the codes in order to unlock access to it all… Rather than diving into the depths of the ocean to discover buried treasures, we (as Light BEings) dive deep into our body’s DNA to discover the Light Encoded Treasures (treasure chest of information)… It’s like we get to play the role/aspect of detectives and explorers, where we each hold a treasure map (DNA Blueprint) inside of us that unlocks when our body’s Consciousness reaches and holds that vibrational frequency inside… So Light Family… InJOY discovering and sharing the Infinite Well (Wealth) of Consciousness, Information and Divine Wisdom you hold inside too... 🌟🌈🗝️ With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil
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