Happy Holidays! This Christmas SOULstice Stargate and upcoming Solar Eclipse Portal is going down in history as a monumental occasion for the ascension of planet earth! Here's the highlight reel of all the beautiful gifts being bestowed upon us this holiday season: The 12:12:12 Gateway (December 12-21st) has been a journey deep within our selves. It has invited us to revisit areas in our life that are still out of alignment with our soul's highest truth, and given us the opportunity to choose differently before beginning a new cycle and decade. More specifically, it brought about tests to see if we have truly learned our lessons and have embodied a new way of being, or not... The Sacred SOULstice Passageway (December 21-23rd), has been a beautiful journey through our hearts and this is where true healing can occur! It is through our hearts that the veils of illusion can be lifted so we can see the truth of our past and present clearly. Giving us the choice to re-write our story and consciously create a new chapter. And now the upcoming Solar Eclipse on December 25th/26th is inviting us to come into right relationship with the Divine Masculine (structure, boundaries, action), the Divine Feminine (intuition, flow, receiving), and the Divine Child (freedom, play, purity); culminating with an Alchemical Marriage and Divine Union within ourselves! We are being gifted this opportunity to support us in embodying the LOVE that we are, and the INFINITE POTENTIAL that each one of us has to MAKE A DIFFERENCE here on earth! During this wonderful holiday season, I invite you to join us in choosing: LOVE! PEACE! HEAVEN ON EARTH! Remember, New Earth Is A Portal Accessed Through Our Hearts! Share The Love This Holiday Season!
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Change is in the air... can you feel it? 2019 has been a year of change, re-alignment and creating strong foundations to prepare us for what's to come in 2020! And we are in the final gateway of the year, starting today on 12/12, leading us to the culmination 11 days later on 12/21, otherwise known as the SOULstice. To give you perspective of the significance of this gateway, 7 years ago, on December 12th, 2012 we went through a huge initiation as immense amounts of light infiltrated our planet and our bodies. For many of us, this was the beginning of our spiritual awakening journey. We began awakening to the truth of the matrix that we lived in, or rather the illusion of it all. And each of us, in our own timing, began to make very different choices in our lives as a result. For example, I left my corporate job on December 10th, 2012, went to India for a month, came back to the USA, signed a contract with a publisher and became an Award Winning Author! I also started my own wellness business to support people in healing their pain and suffering so they could be free to embody their soul's purpose! This was a pivotal time for me, as I finally stopped living life to please others and I began living life on my own terms! I imagine you can relate and may even have a similar story! So today, on December 12, 2019, we are completing a 7 year cycle! I invite you to celebrate all the trials and tribulations you've gone through over the last 7 years to get to where you are today! If it was anything like mine, it hasn't been an easy journey. Although it has been the best years of my life because I have freed myself from the self-imposed prison I was living in before! Today feels like graduation day! It feels like we've passed all the major tests and lessons from the school of higher consciousness, and we now have a strong foundation to build upon as we go out into the world and share our gifts to support the ascension of the planet! So I invite you to maximize the potency of the next 11 days! Here are a few ideas to get you started: - Walk barefoot on the earth and surround yourself with nature as much as possible - Map out your vision for how you can be of service in 2020, and begin living your life today as if you've already embodied the 2020 version of your self - Silence, solitude and reflection are key to receive the wisdom and insights that are available to you at this time - Bring alignment into every area of your life - Let go of everything that does not 1000% support your highest truth Now, if today doesn't feel like graduation day, that's ok too! We are all at different points along our awakening journey, and we have each chosen to play different roles here on earth. Remember, all roles are needed and necessary, otherwise we wouldn't be here. There is a second wave of people who have been waking up for the first time this year. For those of you who are beginning this journey now, know that you are not alone! You have a lot of support from those of us who were part of the first wave of ascension and can support you through any big transitions that are coming up for you in your life, relationships, career and/or health. You might find yourself questioning the meaning of your life, perhaps no longer feeling fulfilled with your career, relationships or the direction your life is heading in. Even though it may not feel like it now, this is a blessing. You are being invited to forge a new path for your self at this time. One that is deeply fulfilling and uses your unique gifts and talents to be of service to the planet and humanity. Regardless of which wave of ascension you are in, it is time to RISE UP! It's time to fully step into your power, to speak your truth and share your gifts with the world! We've got this! Let's do it together! |
New Earth Soul Embodiment Guide &