Taking COMMAND OF OUR SHIP/REALITY and steering/aligning all ourselves, as a Higher Self/Soul, is what we are each here to be and do… It’s who we are… WE ARE THE COMMANDERS/CAPTAINS OF OUR SHIP 🛳🛸🚀 This energy has been super strong all year and has finally landed/anchored in my body after many many tests, trials and tribulations… I’m finally seeing clearly… and learning… and experiencing… that when we stand in our POWER and COMMAND our reality as a Higher Self/Soul, we collapse all the lower timelines and everything that was in the way (ie linear time and all the spaces in between where the ego programs/games lie) sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much faster… like instantaneously… Whewww… it can BE this simple and easy Light Family… Let's do this!!! 💛💚💜 With SOul Much Love and Appreciation,
Marissa O'Neil
Sharing some Inner-Soul-Wisdom I recently heard/felt/experienced inside, while BEing and Expanding with Gaia, as a reminder of who we are and why we're here: "We are all stardust in physical-body-form… We fell from the stars literally… “Fall from Consciousness” We are Pure Source Consciousness Light… We are infinite BEings of Light… We are Powerful Creators... We are all returning to our original Divine Blueprint…" May this support all in Remembering and BEcoming Pure Source Consciousness Light again too ✨💛🌟💛💫 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa O'Neil Woohoo! Welcome to the magical and dreamy month of December! November was an intense month energetically… it felt like an emptying out of all that no longer serves us, on every level and in every way, so we can create space for more New Everything as we enter into the 12:12 Gateway and Sacred SOULstice Passageway this month. December already feels magical and dreamy… full of so much potential and possibility! Can you feel it? And… Neptune, the planet of inspiration and dreams, goes direct tomorrow, assisting us with dreaming beyond our wildest imagination AND anchoring our dreams into physical form. So what are you dreaming into existence as we close out 2022? Would love to hear what you're seeing, creating and anchoring into your physical New Earth Dream Reality ♥️ P.S. A BEAUTY-full Soul SiStar invited me to record a video conversation about the LightBody, Soul Embodiment and so much more too! Here's the link to listen and BE inspired for all that you're creating too 💛 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa O'Neil |
New Earth Soul Embodiment Guide &