An Activation is anything that opens our Heart and awakens a feeling from deep within. A New Earth Activation unlocks a deep inner knowing and an energy of Remembrance…
We are all here to remember who we are - Light BEings in form - here on Earth to assist with raising Consciousness, which supports our Planet and all of Humanity too. Everything we experience is cosmically aligned to assist with opening our hearts in order to create new awarenesses and understandings, so that we can return to Wholeness inside and Embody the Pure Light that we are. Along our journey, we remember that we are all ONE - connected to everyone and everything through a Unified Field of Source Consciousness. We all have unique Missions to accomplish and Soul Purposes to fulfill, each with our own unique set of gifts, abilities and skills. When we focus our energy on BEing Pure Light and fulfilling our individual Service Roles, we are able to be part of the SOULution as we transition from old earth (separation) to New Earth (Unity Consciousness), which contributes to the greater whole. Through deepening our own inner connection, it becomes easier to Consciously Choose. Because I understand how challenging it is to shift from our heads to our hearts at first, I'm sharing one of my own little exercises with you in order to assist with expansion and seeing easier from within. Having an expanded awareness opens us up to feel/see new realizations that assist us with shifting that which we call reality… ❤️ Am I present enough to be in tune to notice any distortions as they arise? 💎 Do I play in the distortion, swirling around in my head, repeating old patterns over and over again? Or... 💎 Do I take it further and go deeper to open my heart and expand my Consciousness fully in order to be able to feel/see new awarenesses and understandings? ❤️ Do I close my eyes to come back to my balanced center and inner peace first? ❤️ Do I act from a place of pure peace or triggered egoic emotions held deep within? ❤️ Do I apply my new expanded understandings in order to shift my inner-to-outer world, which shifts my reality for all? When we ask ourselves these simple questions, we’re often able to see what we couldn’t see before. This is a part of Self-Mastery and returning to an empowered state of Consciousness, which is a remembered one. Keep Honoring your Light! In Appreciation for your Presence, Marissa
New Earth Soul Embodiment Guide &