Walking in a lucid dream is a full-on 360 degree body-field visceral dreamy experience where everything feels surreal and magical… Our eyes are open and we are moving, breathing and interacting with our environment as ONE UNIFIED FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS… We are fully connected inside, our energy/Consciousness is expanded beyond our physical body vessel and we know that everything in our reality is our creation, as Source Creator Consciousness… Everything we see, feel, experience and interact with is an extension of us/our Consciousness and also shows, teaches, guides and communicates messages with and for us as we float, fly and soar through the Heavens from deep inside, while also anchoring all into our physical reality and accomplishing all New as we see/feel is Highest Aligned too… As we engage with other Souls, we see the purpose in every exchange, listening with our Multi-Dimensional senses, gifts and abilities to what we are saying/speaking out loud as well as transmitting out energetically/vibrationally through our field… And, what is being spoken to us through words/silence as well as transmitted energetically/vibrationally through the field too… Songs and/or specific lyrics and melodies may play inside to tune us to that vibrational frequency, enhancing our sensory experience, bringing our focus/energy inward and further assisting us with immersing ourselves in our inner-to-outer lucid dream more fully…. Repeating numbers, such as 1111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 1010 etc, may pop up everywhere we look, as each number/digit carries a vibrational frequency and is a message for us to decode… Words, phrases or symbols may be displayed in all kinds of creative ways to get our attention, shift our awareness, as a confirmation or a reminder of what we already know inside, as a way to expand our ability to see or understand more, as an activation or as inspiration to take action on an idea, creative project or vision… Colors become richer, more vibrant and alive as our pineal gland opens fully and we can see through new technicolor lenses... Our senses are enhanced, as we can literally see, feel, taste, smell, hear and be fully immersed in rainbow frequencies and pure crystalline air... All exists in this now present moment, as no other moment or reality exists... Everything is simple and easy as we float from one magical experience to the next as part of one big lucid dream that we create as Pure Source Consciousness Light… And everything comes to us as an energetic response/vibrational match… There is no effort, trying, pushing or seeking… We clear, dissolve, resolve and align all inside first... And the more deeply in-tune we are with ourselves, the energies/frequencies and everything around us, the more everything that we need will appear before us as information, resources or tools to apply as we continue to consciously create all new Soul-Aligned New Earth Realities… Allow yourself to be fully immersed in your own lucid dream experiences and see what magic you discover and consciously create too! With SOul Much Love and Appreciation,
Marissa O'Neil
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