Happy Equinox Passageway!!! Wowzers… It's been a journey… How are you feeling through it all? August cracked everyone's Universal Hearts wide open, touching people personally and/or collectively with all that's being illuminated around the world…. There's been a lot of grieving… shattering of illusions… veils coming down (which are inside each one of us)… reclaiming our power… taking a stand… speaking up… saying no more… aligning and re-aligning realities…. and so much more… August feels like it was a game changer in so many ways… as we can't go back or un-see what we now see, know and feel…. The question we each get to ask ourselves now is: “What is my role”? (FYI The new video “Taking Off Our Rose Colored Glasses and Truly Seeing Beyond The Veils” covers this topic a bit more.) The collective theme I was shown for September is an acceleration of Ascension, both an Ascension of Consciousness as well as Physical Body Ascension. So if you feel like you've been “drinking from a fire-hose” of old emotions, triggers, memories or ego programming, know that it's all a part of a massive clearing, purge and purification process of your physical body vessel so more Light can fill your body (LightBody) and your Universal Heart can continue to open more and more too… Remember to be gentle, kind, loving and compassionate with yourself through it all and know that there is a much bigger purpose for all that you're currently experiencing and moving through. Wrapping you in Pure Divine LOVE as you navigate these accelerated upgrades and timelines! 🤗💜🤗 With SOul Much Love, Appreciation and Respect,
Marissa Ithara O'Neil
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