So many of us are going through pivotal life changes, including letting go of/walking away from jobs, homes/spaces and relationships that are no longer aligned on a Soul-Level to create space for All New Soul-Aligned Realities to come forth… As well as going through intense LightBody Upgrades, the unlocking of New Light Codes that bring forth New Awarenesses, Realizations and Understandings, and stepping into Whole New Levels of Service Role Fulfillment/Soul Purposes/Galactic Missions too… It takes a tremendous amount of courage to BEcome an Ascended Light BEing again while in a physical body vessel, as we are continually required to go deeper and deeper inside to deconstruct and clear any and all old beliefs, programs, systems and structures from our body template and DNA in order to continue expanding and evolving our Consciousness in All New Ways that weren't possible before because we still held the old in place through our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and gridding system within our body… And as we each do the deep inner work to shift all inside, our external reality will go through massive changes and upgrades to vibrationally match the New Frequencies/Dimensions/Realities achieved and held within too… As we continue to navigate each pivotal choice point, our level of Consciousness (where we function from) when making decisions and the actions we take either creates the opportunity to Quantum Jump through timelines/realities… or… stretches experiences out over much linear time as we slowly work through all the deep programming inside… That's why it's sooooooooooooooo important for us to prioritize building/maintaining/sustaining our Light, raising our body's vibrational frequency and BEing in an environment that supports us in expanding our Consciousness, so we can truly SEE the vastness that is available/possible through our Higher Heart-Mind Consciousness. This assists us with letting go of/expanding beyond any personal attachments to the outcome so we can observe all from a much Higher Perspective, as Pure Source Consciousness Light, where we can SEE clearly, confidently choose and take inspired action on what is Highest Aligned/Soul Aligned for all. When we each function and live this way, anything is possible as we literally Dream the Heavenly Realms through us and anchor them into the physical as our actual experiences/reality here on Earth. This New Way of Living/BEing becomes our value (New Earth Value System) as we continue Uniting with more Soul-Star-Light Family to build, accomplish and share our New Earth Realities Together as Pure Love ❤️ So... Keep dissolving the old from deep inside... Keep expanding beyond all the perceived limits and fixed/rigid mentalities and beliefs... Keep asking to SEE what you weren't open or willing to see before... Keep restructuring and re-aligning all on a Soul-Level... Keep choosing to create All New Ways... And keep embracing All New Everything... With SOul Much Love and Appreciation,
Marissa O'Neil
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